Tehachapi Mountain Democratic Club has seen an increase in membership and participation in Club activities. Plans are being made to register new voters and encourage everyone to vote. Several members have attended workshops which taught how to do these things effectively. They are heading up teams which will work to get out the vote.
TMDC has not taken a position on candidates for office at this time. They are listening to all candidates and will vigorously support the winners of the Primary Election.
Charles White is president of the Club which meets the first Thursday of each month. The next meeting will be November 7 at Big Papa’s Steakhouse at 1001 W. Tehachapi Blvd. The meeting begins at 6:00, but many come at 5:00 for dinner and visiting. Anyone is welcome to attend. The website for the club has been updated and may be accessed at tehachapidemocrats.com for further information.