Democrats Will Hear Analysis of Election Votes
Tehachapi Mountain Democratic Club will meet via Zoom at 6:00 on Thursday, January 7, to learn how votes changed from 2018 to 2020 in California and Kern County. They will also hear an analysis of votes cast in the 2020 presidential election as compared to 2016. This can help members plan for future Democratic growth.
Paul Mitchell, the guest speaker, has a Masters in Public Policy with a focus on urban planning and econometrics. He is Vice President of Political Data Inc. and owner of Redistricting Partners. Paul is a well-known expert on redistricting, appearing in state and national publications and was featured in a CNN Presents documentary on the State’s new redistricting process. He has worked with several statewide organizations on legislative and congressional redistricting, and dozens of local agencies on voting rights issues and implementation of the California Voting Rights
With Political Data, Paul helps run a company that provides data to campaigns on both sides of the aisle. The company is an invaluable tool for Democratic and Republican campaigns as they attempt to contact registered voters, model voter behavior, target their constituencies and Get out the Vote. Paul is also a leader in working with academic institutions, the Public Policy Institute of California and other nonprofit groups.
Salvador Solorio-Ruiz will also make an appearance at the Zoom meeting. He was a candidate endorsed by TMDC and was successful in being elected to the Delano City Council.
For information about the Club, see the website, To access the January Zoom meeting, call Kathy at 916-878-6453 for the access code.